Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, new entry

Well, being that I haven't posted anything in the past few months or so, I thought I should start the new year off right and post a new blog entry!

First, our family was blessed to have a safe and happy holiday week, albeit hectic, but isn't that what holidays are for? Dekker has now turned 3. I can't believe it! He is such a little boy now! He and Emily are learning to play well together, although most times I feel more like a referee than I do a mom!

I am still working 2 jobs and not making any career progress, so again, I am looking in to going back to school. If going to school were a career, I think I could be a millionaire!

Now, on to crafting. I have had a little more time to do some crafting lately. I was able to make Emily a pair of knit longies (I will post pictures later) that actually fit her! I'm impressed with myself that I got them finished before she outgrew them! I am also working on perfecting a pattern for fleece longies. I haven't made too much progress on those yet, but I would like to work on them this weekend!

And finally -- I have to make a New Year's resolution being that its the new year and all... I resolve to BLOG MORE this year and actually make something out of my blog! We shall see how that goes!

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