Monday, August 9, 2010

I have become my mother...

Its official. I think I have become my mother. Atleast when it comes to sewing. I can remember growing up and having my mom make me clothes. I also remember many nights when she would stay up til the wee hours of the morning finishing said clothing. I never appreciated it then, until the night before we were to leave on vacation, I was up until 3am finishing a mei tai carrier for Emily. I used the scanditute pattern found at www dot scanditute dot blogspot dot com. I love the pattern!!! I have included pictures below to show the finished product. Emily seemed to like it too!

We had a wonderful vacation -- Family Week at Jumonville. This is our 3rd year going and has officially become a family tradition. The kids adjusted well to the change in sleeping patterns/accomidations, etc. Emily has started to cut teeth number 4, 5 and 6. I can't believe she is almost a year old! She only wants to do things that her brother is doing. And bless Dekker for being so patient. He gets frutstrated at times with her and lashes out a little, but for the most part he tolerates Emily quite well. He sometimes even gives her hugs and kisses without any prompting from Mom and Dad!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where has the summer gone...

I just realized the other day that I haven't blogged in a while. I never was good at keeping a journal or anything like that! I can't believe it is the end of July already! The kids have had their check-ups (Dekker's 30 month and Emily's 9 month), we have made it through 1 family reunion, I have interviewed and not been chosen for 3 jobs (that's deflating for the ego!) and time just seems to be flying before my eyes! Emily is going to be a year in 6 weeks!!! So crazy!

We are getting ready for our annual trek to Jumonville family week. For those that don't know, Jumonville is a Christian camp and every year Family Week is offered. Since Andy and I had Dekker, we have been going. It is so much fun, but its also a lot of work. This year we will be packing for 4 people including clothing, bedding, etc. I have been trying to be smart this year and not put off packing until the night before (which is what I usually do, then realize everything I have forgotten!) I am also making lists of clothing, etc. for me and the kids. It has taken 32 years, but I might actually be getting a little more organized!

Now on to the crafting -- I haven't been able to sew much. I was able to finish my first side snapping diaper, which is a little big in Emily, but it should fit soon (pictures to follow). I did get a pair of snap pliers from a fellow cloth diapering mama on cafemom dot com. They are wonderful! I ordered my snaps from kamsnaps dot com and they are wonderful too! They have so many colors to choose from! I also used the downdilly daffodil knit diaper cover pattern and made a wool diaper cover for Em. I just need to add buttons and felt it then lanolize it and it will be ready to use!

Next up -- hopefully tomorrow night -- a mei tai carrier for our week at Jumonville. I have the material, I have the pattern, I just need to find the time to cut it out and sew my heart out! Well, back to packing and maybe (if I'm lucky) some fabric cutting!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Finished project #1 for the week

I finished Emily's soaker. I think I am hooked on the pattern! Katrina's free soaker pattern is awesome! It fits like a glove and Emily seems to like it! I think I am going to be hooked on making them from fleece!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Maybe I should retitle the blog to lazy instead of procrastinating...

I guess that's really what procrastination is -- at least in my case. Its laziness. I have so many started projects to finish, and why haven't I done so? I can try to say I have been busy with the kids (which I have been), but I just haven't taken the time to finish them. I finished knitting a washcloth last night that I started over a month ago. OVER A MONTH TO FINISH A WASHCLOTH. That's not good. Especially since I can usually knit one in a few hours. I also was able to cut out a fleece soaker for Emily, but I didn't sew it yet even though that will only take about 15 minutes and it will be done.

So, I will be trying something new this week. No being lazy!!! I will only start projects that can be finished the day I start them, and I am going to try to finish my already started projects!

On another note -- I have a job interview tomorrow. This will be my third interview out of over 15 jobs applied for. That's not really a confidence booster!!! I know that God will put me in the job I am supposed to have -- I just need to be strong and remember its on His time and not mine!!! And, I have to keep my eyes and ears open to hear His plan for me! Not something that is easy for me when I think I should be the one in charge!

I can't get over how big the kids are getting! Emily is almost 8 months already and Dekker is becoming more the little boy everyday instead of a toddler. He is learning so many new things and just becoming his own person! It truly is an amazing thing to wwatch and be a part of!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Kids amaze me

Every day, I am becoming more amazed with our son. He is almost 2 and a half, and he knows his colors, can count from 1 to 10 and he knows most of his letters. That absolutely amazes me -- its not like we work on it everyday. It just shows how much of a sponge a child's mind is. And, it definitely makes me more aware of what we do say and teach him. He will for sure pick up on everything!

On a crafting note -- I am proud of myself! I finally knit in the round on double point needles! Its not the best knitting, as I am still getting used to it, but I am finishing a pair of wool longies for Emily and the top part is knit in the round. I don't know why I was so reluctant to use double points for so long! It really isn't that hard, just takes some getting used to! I can't wait to finish and post pictures.

And, about wool longies. We are starting to transition Emily over to cloth diapers, so I am going to start knitting her wool covers and i have been trying to sew her a few covers too. (Plus, I scored about 10 diapers at a consigment sale this weekend for a great deal!) For some reason, though sewing is much easier, knitting is more fun for me right now! I am also going to have to learn how to lanolize the wool once its done. I think its the excitement of learning new things that makes the knitting more fun right now.

Enough about us for now. Off to finish the longies!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter

Well -- the family just enjoyed a glorious Easter weekend! HE IS RISEN! We enjoyed time with both families. Dekker got to really enjoy an Easter egg hunt with his cousin Graham. And, of course, mommy ate WAY too much!

My job hunt has started. I had my first interview on Tuesday. I think it went well, but I won't hear anything for a few wees. I have two more on Friday, but I am going to cancel one. I'm just not sure what I want to do when I grow up!

On the craft side of things, I was able to sew my first nursing cover thanks to my new sewing machine (crazy sale table find at Sears!) It is so nice to have a nursing cover that completely covers us -- especially since Em can be a bit of a wild woman when she eats! She has started eating a little yogurt now too, which is nice. She's not keen on cereal though. Now if I could just get Dekker to eat fruits and veggies, meals would be great!

Still working on Emily's wool longies. They are almost half knit. I love knitting with wool and not having to work the entire pair of pants in the round (still not comfortable with doing that!)

Well, off to give Em a bath before bed and maybe knit a little more if she goes to sleep after her bath!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finished projects

Well, here is the picture of one of my finished projects. Emily is enjoying the tag blanket and will soon be enjoying the cloth diaper that I almost have done.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finished projects

Well, I titled this finished projects, yet I have technically only finished one project. The other one is SO CLOSE to being done. I had to get new sewing machine needles last night as I broke two in the process of making my first cloth diaper. I guess I needed the heavy duty needles -- so that's what I bought!

I forgot how completely exhilarating sewing can be. I made my first cloth diaper in less than an hour and that included cutting time. I also made Emily a tag blanket (pictures to come if I can pry it out of her hands!) It is so nice to be able to make something of my own instead of relying on buying it. Plus, I can tailor items to fit our needs. I can't wait to really get sewing! I have patterns to try galore!

As for the family, Dekker is going through is "terrible two's" although he really isn't that bad. He just likes to throw tantrums every once in a while, but luckily he saves these for when he is home -- he is a complete angel when we are in public! As for Emily, she is getting her first tooth (it broke the skin the same day Dekker got his first tooth -- six months and 2 days. Kind of creepy if you ask me!). She is a little crankier than I remember Dekker being, but she is being a trooper and she will get through it! She is 15 lbs, 26 inches already. Growing like a weed!

Well, off to change the needle in the sewing machine and to finish the diaper and sew some more! Pictures to follow!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another semi-productive weekend

Semi-productive. I guess that's how I would describe our last weekend. I didn't get anything done around the house, but we were able to head to our hometowns and visit friends and family that we haven't seen in a while. So, yes, semi-productive.

Emily is getting bigger. She is almost 6 months already. No idea where that time has gone! Dekker, well, he is 2 and acting like it. The temper tantrums have started and he is a bit of a brut. Not sure where this is coming from and I definitely don't know how to stop the behavior, so I guess we will see if it gets worse or if he starts to outgrow it. I'm definitely hoping its the latter!

We are still unsure of my job at this point. I may or may not be losing it. That is so hard! I want to look for a new job if I am going to be losing my job, but I don't want to look if I know I will still have my job. Ugh. We shall see what this week brings!

On a brighter note, my mom has let me borrow her sewing machine for a few weeks. This is awesome because I really don't know what I am going to need in a sewing machine and it will let me see what kind of things I want to be making! I have so many patterns I want to try! I finished rearranging the living room this morning so that I can put the sewing machine up. Not sure if its going to be in the living room, or the den, but there is room for it now. Yippee!!!

Now, off to be a little more semi-productive!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gainfully unemployed?

So, it looks like my job will be coming to an end in about 4 weeks. Though this saddens me greatly, I am kind of looking forward to the extra time I might have with the kids and to devote to my neglected projects around the house. I am actively looking for a job, but I haven't found anything yet that is a good fit for my talents.

So, I am thinking of embarking on a new adventure. Being that I love crafting, I think I am going to buy myself a sewing machine and see what fun baby things I can make to potentially sell. I am thinking about starting with diapers and blankets and seeing where that takes me! If anyone has any ideas about this -- please feel free to share!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend at Grammies

Well, the kids and I just got home from a weekend at my parents. Dekker is always so cute there! He is so attached to my dad -- "Pap" Everything there is Pap's -- Pap's house, Pap's car (even though my dad doesn't drive anymore). He likes to tease my mom when he says everything is "Pap's" -- it is too cute!

Andy got to take the second part of the CPA exam. I don't know how he is doing it! He is studying so much information and taking these 4 hour tests. I am so proud of him!

I finally got my hair cut -- not just trimmed. I think I got about 10 inches or so cut off -- and I feel like a new woman! I also got to do some shopping. Bought some things for the kids. I love Children's Place at the Grove CIty Outlets and their sale racks! I also was able to find some things for myself -- a bit of a rarity these days! I also got to knit a bit of Emily's Easter dress. Well, its supposed to be Emily's Easter dress, but I'm not sure if it will fit her when its done (as she is growing like a champ!) I'm sure I will get her a back-up just to be on the safe side!

I have set a goal this week of getting the dress done. I really need to get a knitting project finished as I have started and ripped out a few recently but I haven't finished anything. I am also looking for a used sewing machine. I think I am going to start sewing a few things. I bought some fabric at JoAnn's last week (on sale I might add!) and I want to start making cloth diapers and some baby blankets. We shall see when I get to actually start these projects!

All in all, it was a productive weekend. Hoping that means I will have a productive week!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Well -- being that I procrastinate in every other aspect of my life, I am guessing that's why its taken me so long to start a blog to chronicle my life and the lives of my beautiful family. I have come to the realization that I will never be able to keep a traditional journal, so this should be the next best thing being that I am on the computer quite frequently.

A little about me -- I am a 32 year old working mom with two beautiful children and a wonderful husband. Our little boy is 2 and our little girl is 5 months. My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years now and we are getting ready to enter a new phase in our lives. We have been living and working in Pittsburgh for the past 7 years, but we are now facing the realization that my grant funded nursing job is coming to an end and he is looking for a new job as well. We would like to move closer to our families which is about an hour north of Pittsburgh. This summer should be an interesting one!

As for the title of this blog -- I like to think of myself as crafty, though I seem to have a hard time finishing all of my projects in a timely fashion! I have about 5 different projects on my knitting needles, adn I just bought some fabric to start making cloth diapers. We will leave the discussion about my extensive scrapbooking supply (yet lack of scrapbooks) for another blog!

Our life is sometimes complicated, sometimes silly, sometimes boring, but always fun and it suits us well.